# Christian Eriksen - Sayfa 6 | GSCimbom - En İyi Galatasaray Taraftar Portalı ve Forumu

# Christian Eriksen

"He was gone. We did cardiac resuscitation, it was a cardiac arrest," said Boesen.

"How close were we to losing him? I don't know, but we got him back after one [defibrillation] so that's quite fast."


Boesen said Eriksen was unconscious when he reached the player on the pitch.

"When I got to him he was on his side, he was breathing, I could feel a pulse, but suddenly that changed and we started to give him CPR," he said.

"The help came really fast from the medical team and the rest of the staff with their co-operation, and we did what we had to do and managed to get Christian back."
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