#83 Gedson Fernandes - Sayfa 2 | GSCimbom - En İyi Galatasaray Taraftar Portalı ve Forumu
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Anlatsana kardeşlerine ifb'ye nası koymuştun
İlk açıklandığında Lemina ve Seri olmasın dedim ama şimdi bakıyorum bu çocuk çok daha gençmiş ve hala büyük paralara üst düzey kulüplere gidebilecek bir oyuncu. Lemina geldiğinde 25 yaşını devirmişti neticede, Seri desek o da olgunluk dönemindeydi.

.Hard to give a good insight on someone who barely plays. The problem is he doesn't exactly fit the system Benfica play. He was good in a 4-3-3 with Rui Vitória, but lost his place when Lage came in. He's been thrown around all over the place, up front, out wide, etc. without a decent run of games. Surely talented but has to leave in order to show it consistently.

,He is a good box-to-box midfielder and Benfica doesn't play with that kind of player. The two in the midfield are a double-pivot that play side by side and create mostly by pass. Gedson is a play that pushes the team foward by dribbling. With this, our manager tried to make him fit the team by either playing him at RM or CF and he doesn't fit those position at all. Also he had a really long injury and when he never came back the same. All this put together made him play without any confidence. I wish he would get loaned out to the Championship to a team that would make him a definitive starter and when he gets his groove back he would get another chance in Benfica


Energetic, skillful and usually very involved in every aspects the teamplay.

Quite good dribbler, who isn't afraid to hold on to the ball and take on defenders.

In his best season for Benfica (right before the move to Spurs), he also showed impressive tactical intelligence, tackling ability and eagerness to defend.

Will often appear in more advanced zones as well, to support attacking moves. And has a decent shot.

Ndombele really is the player to whom he resembles the most.

It's a shame Gedson confidence levels got so low since the transfer.

I still have faith on him, though.

kılınç mevkisi gibi

yedlin luyi marcao sarac
kerem gedson kılınç henry

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