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UEFA ve FIFA'ya Mail Yağdırıyoruz | İçerik 1. Sayfa'da

Cevap: UEFA ve FIFA'ya Mail Yağdırıyoruz | İçerik 1. Sayfa'da

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Cevap: UEFA ve FIFA'ya Mail Yağdırıyoruz | İçerik 1. Sayfa'da

To Whom It May Concern,

We would like to bring to your attention the statements made by the former president of the Turkish Football Association, Mehmet Ali Aydinlar, and a former Fenerbahce player, Ridvan Dilmen. These statements were made on television between the dates of February 9 and February 12, 2012:

The February 9, 2012 statements of the former president of the Turkish Football Federation Mehmet Ali Aydinlar:

Aydinlar, while answering questions posed of him on the "32. Gun" (32th Day) program on Kanal D, made the following statements regarding the game fixing operation which started on July 3:

"UEFA has told me 'We are on your side. We trust you, we believe that you will do the right thing'. We have spoken with the managers of the teams involved, everybody seemed to be in a state of panic. The European games had also started. On August 15, I said "those who have any doubts should not go (to the European Cups)". August 15 is the day we had a press conference regarding the Ethics Board's report. At 2:00pm, I assembled the executive board. I informed them of the contents of the report.

Mrs. Nihat Ozdemir and Ali Koc arrived at the Turkish Football Federation. I told them, 'I examined the Ethics Board's report. It is in Fenerbahce's best interest not to go to the Champions League this year. Should you go, Fenerbahce may encounter fines which are much more severe.' They thanked me. 'UEFA officials have given us examples. They say zero tolerance. It is said that even a suspicion is enough. Even if there is the slightest doubt, we can not accept this team. Since in the letter which they have written us, they state that Fenerbahce should withdraw themselves, and should they not withdraw, then you shouldn't send them as otherwise we will start an investigation.'

All Fenerbahce supporters should listen to this very carefully: At that time the Turkish Football Federation was criticized a lot. I had met with Ridvan Dilmen. He had said these words exactly, 'my president, I had criticized you a lot when you had not sent Fenerbahce to the Champions League, you were right. I apologize.' And I had told him, 'Ridvan Dilmen, you are going to have to apologize to me many more times.'"

"According to article 58, no matter what anyone does, everybody will be relegated. We have made arrangements to change this. All our mandates have to pass through there. We brought this up to UEFA. UEFA stated that no changes could be made until the investigation was completed. Let the investigation conclude, you can then change it. And I stated that while I am president here that this was not going to change, and it hasn't changed. We told UEFA that we did not wish to relegate teams. We had a meeting with Infantino. He conveyed penalties which were acceptable. I told him this was a good solution. We called upon the General Assembly to meet. That decision would have gone through if I wanted it to go through."

Aydinlar, while stating that his biggest aspiration was Fenerbahce's presidency, continued:

"I don't want to be remembered as the president who relegated Fenerbahce. People who argue how much of a Fenerbahce supporter I am, they have not served the club as much as I have."

The February 11, 2011 statements of the former Fenerbahce player Ridvan Dilmen:

"The summit which took place between the former Turkish Football Federation president Mehmet Ali Aydinlar, and Fenerbahce's coach Aykut Kocaman in the eve of Fenerbahce's away game with Orduspor, had become the center of speculations for a long time."

Ridvan Dilmen conveyed the dialogues which took place between Fenerbahce's coach Aykut Kocaman and the former president of the Turkish Football Federation Mehmet Ali Aydinlar. After stating that Aydinlar started the conversation by saying "you will take your place in the European Cups next year", and Aykut Kocaman replying by asking him the question, "is our punishment over?", Ridvan Dilmen continued as follows:

"Mr. Aydinlar in response to this question posed by Aykut Kocaman stated 'yes, it is over but if the media publishes this, I am going to deny it. UEFA will also deny it. That's what we have agreed upon'. That's the basis of my apology. The day that Fenerbahce was banned from the Champion's League, I had sent Aydinlar a message stating 'this didn't happen, president'. And in regards to that message, I stated 'I am really sorry for having sent you that message. You have done a very good job despite all these efforts and the indictement.' However the atmosphere suddenly changed when Aydinlar said 'but we will give you minus points, your points will be deducted before the playoffs. Because your managers have committed game fixing.' Aykut Kocaman then replied, 'we have been walking around for months with a noose around our necks. If our managers have committed game fixing, then relegate us.'"

The Football Federation's former president Mehmet Ali Aydinlar who stated that he did not wish to be remembered as the president who relegated Fenerbahce, admits that he has spoken with UEFA, that he does not wish to relegate any of the clubs, that they had agreed on acceptable penalties and that the General Assembly had been called upon. The penalty for game fixing as stated in the disciplinary regulations of FIFA, UEFA and the Turkish Football Federation is very clear and not to implement this penalty is to openly disregard the law. Has UEFA entered penalty negotiations as claimed by the former Turkish Football Federation president by disregarding disciplinary regulations when UEFA has publicly embraced a Zero Tolerance policy? Does the application of the law change for different countries? Wouldn't giving reduced penalties for game fixing and attempts at game fixing, and negotiating these penalties taint the present and the future of football?

While the former president of the Turkish Football Federation claims that he has entered negotiations with UEFA to lower the penalties for game fixing and that they had reached an agreement, the former Fenerbahce player Ridvan Dilmen with whom he has met, claims that the former president of the Turkish Football Federation has told him and Fenerbahce's coach that Fenerbahce was not going to be penalized next year in regards to the European Cups, that they were not going to be relegated, that they were going to have points deducted because their managers had fixed games.

One of the most important things that destroy football is game fixing. If the zero tolerance policy is not applied, if penalties are not imposed in accordance with disciplinary regulations, then it would mean that game fixing would be blatantly permitted to occur. And this will legitimately pave the way for any probable game fixing incidents that my occur in the future.

The so called claims emerging in Turkey about the Turkish Football Federation and UEFA having agreed on reduced game fixing penalties after negotiations, are not only shattering our trust in organizations and the law, but they are also destroying our love of football. We are requesting FIFA and UEFA to apply their disciplinary regulations with zero tolerance, and to protect football.

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Cevap: UEFA ve FIFA'ya Mail Yağdırıyoruz | İçerik 1. Sayfa'da

bu mailleri yağdırıyozda sonunda bizde gidemezsek avrupaya ne olacak hemde pisi pisine ortada bizle ilgili bişey yokken
Cevap: UEFA ve FIFA'ya Mail Yağdırıyoruz | İçerik 1. Sayfa'da

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Hatta moderatör arkadaşlar maç topiğine linki koysun. Maçı da kazanmışız keyfimiz de yerinde. Daha da anlam kazansın...:D
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Cevap: UEFA ve FIFA'ya Mail Yağdırıyoruz | İçerik 1. Sayfa'da

mail ata ata bir hal oldum. adamlar bizi uefa başkanı yapar bu gidişle alın siz yönetin der:D
Cevap: UEFA ve FIFA'ya Mail Yağdırıyoruz | İçerik 1. Sayfa'da

Valla ben baya bir yabancı gazeteye mail attım tek tek kime varsa ekonomi yazarlarına bile attım gazetenin galiba o derece abandım yani :D
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